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ブリにフラれた!2024年初冬釣りジグで青物を狙う。最後のミスでまだ心が痛い English & Japanese #ブリ#青物#冬釣り

ブリにフラれた!2024年初冬釣りジグで青物を狙う。最後のミスでまだ心が痛い English & Japanese #ブリ#青物#冬釣り


Happy New Year
Last week, I finally got the boat out for the first fishing trip of the year. I was jigging for a big yellowtail/kingfish all day and finally hooked one just as I was about to call it a day. It was the biggest fish I’ve caught to date, however, due a stupid mistake on my behalf……

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#ミニボート ト
